Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Questionnaire findings

My target audience for my Indy Magazine, are the ages 16-28.

To benefit my findings, I split my questionnaire in two. I still had the same questions for both, but did an almost preliminary test for my questionnaire. I started with a few form groups, within years 12 and 13 in my college. This in turn gave me the age range of 16 to 18 year olds. Of the people I sampled, I found that upon the arrival of my results, a broad range was found; ''What type of music do you like?''. Significant improvements of my questions were needed, to be able to identify the winning formula needed for that particular age group.

Upon update of my questions, I again asked the same group of people these questions. I this time had an updated more direct question; ''What is your favourite music genre?'' which had a box applied, to which people could tick to their desired choice. 

As I was able to successfully gain a greater understanding from my target audience, I then expanded from 16-18 year olds to 19-28. I was able to do this, as I handed out hard copies to my sister, to which she handed out at her workplace, which is a media agency filled with predominantly my target audience. 

I then plotted my findings onto a few graphs in order to see a direct correlation between the varying music genres to age groups.

 Key: 1 = 1 person

 In total, I had 80 participants do my questionnaire; 33 who were in the age bracket 16-18, 10 who were 19-22, 15 people in the 23-25 category and 18 and 4 in the 25-27 and 28+ brackets. 

Of the 80 who took part, I plotted the results of their favourite type of music into a pie chart and found that Hip-Hop/R&B and Dancehall was the most popular, followed closely by Rock and Indie.
 However, I did take into account the fact that the majority of the participants in my questionnaire were teens aged 16-18. To overcome this, I paired my findings from my 2 graphs and came out with a line graph which will enable me to identify what each particular age group liked best.

Upon completion, I found that the Hip-Hop genre was most popular with the age group 16-18, and that Rock and indie was most popular with the older audiences. 
This therefore helps me, as my target of producing an indie magazine will in turn be more formal, structured and sophisticated, due to the older audiences. 

Other significant results I found was that the colour blue was most popular but the colour combination of silver, gold and white worked best as I had a sample of 3 colours to which I added in my questions. I also found that people will be willing to purchase a quality magazine, within the price range of £3.49- £2.49 so this helps me as I need to take into consideration printing costs and budgets.

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